Wantagh, Long Island


Something Different for Wantagh's November Survey

Originally published in the 2008 October 23 edition of The Wantagh-Seaford Citizen.
Published online with kind permission from our friends at The Citizen.

In prior surveys, visitors selected from a pre-defined
list, but for November, you can "say whatever you like"

The monthly survey on the Wantagh website will be experimenting with a new concept in November. All prior surveys used a pre-defined list of responses and asked visitors to select the one that most closely matched their opinion.

“For November we are going to try something different and let visitors respond to the survey in their own words”, explains Susan Colotti of Wantagh dot LI. The question posed for November is “What can Wantagh dot LI do to further help the community”. Mrs. Colotti continues, “this time, visitors can type their responses and can say whatever they like. At the end of the month, the top four responses will be posted.”

Without question, these are difficult times for the community. Energy costs remain high, the stock market is taking a toll on family savings and property taxes continue to increase. In spite of these difficulties, Wantagh is still a wonderful place to live and the town website is interested in seeing what more it can do to help the community.

...this time, visitors can say whatever they like...

Susan Colotti
Wantagh dot LI

The monthly survey acts as a sounding board for residents because each month the results are forwarded to local officials at the town, county and state level.  The results are also sent to twenty-two media outlets and to local organizations, including the Wantagh Chamber and the Wantagh/Seaford Homeowners Association. Furthermore, meetings are arranged with local officials in January, to discuss all the survey results of the prior year.

Copyright © 2008 The Wantagh-Seaford Citizen & LI Dot. All rights reserved.
